Thursday, December 30, 2010


Four days left in my London visit. Where has the time gone? Glenn brought me here on December 22, and I'll be going home on January 2. I've had a wonderful time enjoying Christmakah festivities, relaxing and digesting all the food. I've been eating way too many holiday treats and have just put my WW regime on hold. It is too frustrating trying to work the program, when every home I visit has treats, when all the meals are rich and and festive. There are so many traditional treats that if not eaten, would make me feel too deprived. As soon as I get back home, I will go back to WW and resume my diet. Meanwhile, I'm being naughty and loving it.

We went out for brunch earlier and then to the Museum to see Maya's show. It was a really nice time that culminated with a visit for drinks with Maya's friends. Glenn was off, so it was fun having him along. I wish he could get two days off together instead of one day twice a week. It's simply impossible for him to get enough rest and take care of his personal business with such a work schedule. He is chronically tired.

We had a great week so far with Christmas eve spent at home, where Mambo and I cooked a traditional turkey dinner. The 25th had us opening gifts and then driving to Florence for Christmas dinner with Glenn's family. Boxing Day was leftovers (I love Christmas leftovers); Monday Maya and I went to eat Indonesian food, Tuesday we bought a new futon for the LR couch (my bed for the week) and put the old lumpy one outside for the trash pickup. This morning I saw the poor old discarded thing outside at the curb and felt a pang of sadness at our betrayal. Then I remembered that I slept really well last night. All pangs of sadness dissolved. We humans are fickle creatures.

The feline boys are having a ball. They play together and follow each other all over the house. My Willy has no time for me but all kinds of time for his cousins. It's like kitty camp here. Willy will be so let down when we get home. He'll sleep for three days.

Family, no matter how small, is a good thing - and we are family. Dec. 30th, 2010 at 03:27 am |