Monday, December 13, 2010

For, I'm ok.

Today, I'm very relieved because I had one and a half hours of good, friendly and accepting conversation with my daughter. I didn't "guilt" her once. I was a real person and we exchanged experiences and ideas without any issues arising. So nice for us both. We signed off happy and amused, looking forward to our Christmas visit together.

I'll be there from December 22 till January 2 and it will be warm, welcoming and fun!!!

I'll get to see her latest exhibition, visit with some of her friends and mine, see Glenn's group perform, putter and read. Willy will play with his cousins and they will be naughty together and we will be happy. How's that for setting expectations? Are they unrealistic? Maybe (just in case) I should climb back in from the limb and say what will be, will be.

I am having a very busy December with lots of social life, concerts, lunches and dinners. It's fun, but I'm growing tired. This week coming, I have a tea, a lunch and art exhibition in Toronto, my physio, my own group exhibition art exhibition, a concert, a hair appointment and a supper to attend. I still have some presents to wrap and deliver and the Christmas food shop to do. It's like people have suddenly realized that we are coming to the end of the year with life's loose ends to tidy up. The December social whirl is like a Dyson vacuum cleaner swirling around the room gathering up all of life's dust bunnies - necessary but could be done at any time.