I can't believe how quickly the weekend sped by and how wonderful it was. In 20 minutes I'll turn 70 officially, but I've been on a weekend long party. A huge crowd turned up at my Equinox reception. The gallery was filled, upstairs and downstairs, with happy, chatty friends and friends of friends. It's estimated that nearly 100 people turned up. They came in two waves and then stayed so by 8:45 we could hardly move let alone see the art. Awesome. The Blue Tomato is a little gallery and the owners said they have never had such a big turnout for an opening.
The first wave poured in the door shortly after seven (very punctual). Artists don't come en masse and on time. They wander in alone or in small groups. These prompt arrivals were mainly PSO musicians and former MNR colleagues - people accustomed to being on time. The second wave arrived just before eight. Friends and associates from the arts and theatre community that I've known through volunteer work. In and out throughout were the artists themselves, students from my pottery class, my teacher and the gallery's own followers. My gardener and his family were happily in conversation with some of Peterborough's high fliers and because nobody was told who was who the mingling was most successful. It was a most diverse and friendly assortment of people who had no idea that most art openings are cliquish and cold affairs. There were the precocious children of musicians and the beautifully behaved gardener's children. All ages and social groupings were represented in a social event centered around art and a 70th Birthday, and it all worked.
By making the opening my birthday party, folks came for a social evening. Those few who came for a "cultural" evening were confused and perhaps even disappointed. They probably left. The rest stayed, ate appetizers and Birthday cake, drank wine, beer and juice, and even looked at the art. All evening three friends from the PSO played Renaissance music and balloons festooned the downstairs gallery. I had a ball. It was my party and I didn't cry. I didn't want to.
The festivities spilled over into Sat. when Allana, Norah, and Nicole arrived to see the show, with Glenn and Maya. Allana and Norah bought paintings which touched me deeply and we all went for a late Cosmic lunch. Ray asked to join us (an amazing departure from his anti-social norm) and was mesmerized by the three beauties from Toronto (what a naughty monk). Glenn was surrounded by Maya's very hot friends and a good time was had by all. I am now officially 70 and a private celebration will take place at noon with an hour-long massage. Who said growing old sucks?
Posted on Mar. 15th, 2010 at 12:59 am