I have enjoyed a most wonderful weekend because my "other daughter" Tracy came with Samantha. I'm not a naturally gushy person. I do not melt for babies and toddlers. In fact, I actively dislike some little children. Sometimes it's due to lack of exposure, or the chaos they create, or they are just brats. But there are some little people I really enjoy.
I have a special relationship with David and Jonathan Lee. These are two beautifully brought up little lads that I have lots of time for. Their parents Miles and Vicky are Born Again and I disagree with almost everything they embrace. Still, I have decided to overlook their views because their hearts are so big and there is so much love in that family.
I love Oscar, Tania and Diane's little guy. We just clicked right from the get go. He got my special love when I noticed the blatant favoritism being shown to his cousin Kai. Kia is Jerzy's genetic grandson, whereas Oscar is not. So Jerzy talks up Kai (and now Nicko)but not Oscar. My heart immediately went out to Oscar. I identify with the least favoured child because I was one in my mother's (the Balharrie) family. I know what it was like sensing the perpetual chill. Oscar needs all the love he can get now because his life will not be easy as he grows up. Having lesbian parents in an unforgiving world will require lots of inner strength and confidence from that sweet boy. He needs a firm foundation of love and I'm willing to contribute to it.
Samantha is Tracy's 2 1/2 year old. She is a going concern, very bright and very active and exhausting. But for all that, she is a lot of fun and oh so loving. Tracy has a few mothering habits that can drive one to drink, but with another child due in three weeks, she won't be able to keep it up. She discusses decisions with Sam and leaves herself open to argument and testing all the time. The child runs the mother and by a miracle the child is not a brat. She is tiring and demanding but very good-natured. On a couple of occasions I intervened very firmly, without debate and Samantha responded immediately, but she was not afraid of me. She was relieved to be stopped. Tracy is aware of this tendency to over explain and under discipline. She discussed it with me and I reminded her that she is the mother. Sometimes it is necessary to stop the child firmly. All the child needs to understand is that Mommy is the boss and no means no. That being said, Samantha is a darling child full of daring-do and curiosity. Willy is the cat version of Samantha. She only stops being active when she drops, eats and for story time. Interestingly, unlike most cats who would run and hide from Samantha, Willy saw a real playmate. He was right in the middle of it all the time.
I love Tracy dearly, and really enjoyed being Oma for 24 hours. Hearing Oma repeated so often was wonderful. I quickly got used to it and played my Oma role in the playground, at mealtimes, in the big chair with story books, pretend cleaning and at bedtime. Sam procrastinated at bed time to show me her pajamas, then she came back downstairs to show me her slippers and then I had to read before she finally went to bed. Like all grandparents, I was also pleased to see them go home.
We went to the exhibition yesterday and Tracy loved the sculpture. She also liked the black and white graphics. Paul had reminded her that they are on a tight budget but nevertheless she wanted to buy the "Brooklyn Rain" or the "Cat-tails" to take home. Since they are prints, I suggested she wait till we get home to discuss it. I didn't want the gallery to know she was interested because I intended to give her both prints as a gift for the new baby. She was stunned and very, very pleased. Why is it that the young people with no money are prepared to buy art, when my older friends with lots of money are afraid of committing to an art purchase? Lots of positive feed back but no sales won't pay my exhibition expenses.
Samantha went home with a very fluffy stuffed bunny for Easter. The bunny took Tracy and my fancy because it had the face of a Tomcat with big ears. Sam took it to bed last night. The great thing about having a child around, is that it permits us to be kids again too.