Dinah has been with us four days and some hours. The settling is going very smoothly. I took her for he first Vet check up. She had been checked and given her shots by the ARK vet, but I wanted something more thorough. Well she is free of serious symptoms, her heart is sound and her respiratory system is good. She has a few kitten problems like Conjunctivitis in both eyes and worms.Both have been addressed and treatment continues at home for two weeks. She is underweight for her age but we are on the way to fixing that. Next visit she'll have her Rabies and leukemia shots. She had a lot to say in the carrier to and from the clinic, none of it good.
Willy has made a decision to accept her, and tries to engage her in play. She is a little nervous about this change in events but is intrigued enough now to be seduced. Then chasing ensues and Willy flops on the floor to reassure her. It's amazing how quickly he accepted her. He was very distressed when she went in the carrier, and very happy when she came home. He sniffed her all over after the vet visit and tried to wash her. She was not willing to be washed.
Tonight Willy thought he had hidden himself in a cardboard carton. Dinah wasn't fooled for long. It is going to be a very busy time here and very much fun. Dinah is such a cute baby and Willy is a baby at heart.
I've been researching condominiums of late to study my options because I may need to sell my beautiful house sooner than later. It depends on my finances. My pension is not keeping pace with the cost of living, and my US pension is now worth less because the US dollar is so low. The cost of upkeep is increasing as I can do less work myself.
The condo route may not resolve these issues because condo fees can be high. The maintenance is taken care of by the condo corp but I was shocked at how high the taxes are. That surprised me because my taxes on this huge property and house are really reasonable. It's still early days, and more research needs to be done.
I did see one condo last Sunday, that I really liked and could see myself living there. Lots of light, large rooms, nice layout and a gorgeous patio-garden area.
I could envision a studio and my cats looking out all windows and patio doors. I saw another that I didn't like which was bigger with a basement but lacked charm. The deck was exposed to the passing traffic on the Rotary Trail. The taxes on that property were extreme. I did get a sense of what is out there and the leaving here won't be as traumatic as I fear.
I came home and walked around my garden, looking at all that I had created and felt so sad. I really adore living here. But at times I feel so adrift in all this beauty and space with nobody to share it with. I'm no longer entertaining much and few guests come for prolonged visits. The people I love are rarely here and in Julie's case will never be here again. So perhaps the time is approaching for a fresh start.
At the very least, the time has come to be mindful of my options.
Whatever I choose to do, there are two little buddies who will be included in my decision. Pets must always be allowed.