As some of you may know, I've been having ear trouble for a while. Most recently I developed swimmers ear in the right ear. So I've had vertigo in my left ear and an infection in the right one. Life is never that simple and over the past two weeks things have grown steadily worse. The infection spread to both ears and I was going mad with pain and blockages. I sought medical advice and from there things got really serious.
Yesterday I went to see the Nurse Practitioner and she referred me to an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor who saw me this morning 9:30. Apparently, I have a fungal infection exacerbated by a severe allergic reaction to the Polysporen ear drops I used for Swimmers' Ear. This had caused my ear canals to swell up and close completely. I now know what it feels like to be totally deaf. Thoughts of a spring arriving without birdsong really upset me. I like sound and a truly silent world terrifies me.
As well, the ears began to ooze lymph in an attempt to heal themselves. The ensuing itching and pain has been impressive. The nurse practitioner put me on antibiotics and Prednisone (steroids) yesterday to reverse the hearing damage and these are making me ill. Yikes!!! But the steroids went to work immediately. The improvement was measurable. No wonder athletes like steroids: they speed up the healing process.
Warning: some of the following information may be too graphic for young children and squeamish adults. If this is you, stop reading.
The ear doctor picked up a motorized suction tube and vacuumed out both ears to remove the gunk from the oozing that clogged the ear canals. It was not enjoyable. In fact one could describe it as painful. But it did clear the the canals enough to hear again. He was the nicest Grenadian man who kept speaking so gently while engaging in these Nazi interrogation techniques. Had I known any secrets at all, I would surely have spilled the beans completely. Instead, I was reduced to a whimpering ninny with gratitude when the Hoovering stopped.
He then gave me yet another prescription for drops, booked another appointment and sent me home in better shape than when I arrived. I can hear for the first time in four days.
My pharmacist, who has been living my adventure with me, (I've seen him so often this past week) said he was at a seminar about allergies recently where Polysporin was identified as a new allergy danger. The rate of allergic reactions in Canada is now around 9% and climbing. So think twice before self prescribing. The drops may help with a bacterial infection, but can cause serious damage for a fungal infection and there is no way to know what kind of infection you have without a doctor taking a peek. I started the drops a week ago last Monday at my doctor's suggestion. I never had a reaction before, so he can't be blamed. My ears got progressively worse and I stopped the drops, but too late. The damage was done.
You may now resume reading and the children can come back into the room.
To add to my frustration, I had taken my computer to Micro Age last Thursday for a minor repair, and then was too sick to pick it up again. So I spent four days computer-less and unable to listen to the radio, or watch TV. I just read a lot instead. I'm not out of the woods yet. The healing process will take time.
Oh and to add to my delights, the furnace conked out last night and the emergency repairman came out to fix it at 4:00 A.M. Bless him. He was good natured about it too. He laboured hard to saw a chunk off the air intake pipe because it was plugged solid with ice. That accomplished, he got the furnace running again and left two hours later. The house is toasty and warm again and I'm very grateful. To keep the house from freezing I had two heaters going upstairs, the oven in the kitchen, the electric fireplace in the living room and the wood fire roaring in the den. Kathleen slept through it all and mentioned today that she heard strange noises in the night. She knew I was ill so it couldn't have been me. It must have been someone outside who was building something. Funny as this may be, in summing up my situation, I say...
We are not amused.
P.S. On the upside, I have my computer back and am catching up on life.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Being Ms. Right

I am saddened by some of my women friends who still believe that they need to find a partner in order to be complete. Perfectly bright and interesting women who appear to be living independent lives full of challenges and successes have a secret void deep inside them. They are still searching for the perfect mate to fill that void.
I understand their dilemma because I am periodically gripped by the same illness. It is an illness because while I am in its grip I see myself as less than I truly am. I never like myself very much when I'm accommodating a man. I change and become a throwback to a person who plays at being weaker than I am. I become more self-effacing and girly, and I spend more time looking at myself, worrying about wrinkles, fat, hair styles and appearances generally. It's a bore and I don't like it. I don't like that me.
It rarely happens anymore because I came to understand that I have health issues I wouldn't wish on any new partner. Most men like to be taken care of and I need to conserve my energy to take care of me. My life depends on it and it's a full time job. I have also really come to enjoy my space, my quiet times, the habitat I created and my lifestyle. I'm really fortunate to be where I am with the friends I have and I don't want to rock the boat. The most recent case of man crazyness was with Ray and that ended five years ago. I gave so much of myself away to him, there was little left for me. He needed a lot of material care and I needed a lot of emotional care - a perfect match. Many older women get into this kind of a situation and the men bleed them dry. Ray, was emotionally remote and couldn't love me the way I needed. It became a terrible obsession. Ray is a very honourable and principled man who became as unhappy as I, with the situation. He broke the obsession by leaving town for a year. It was the kindest and noblest thing he could do for us both.
I recovered my sanity and my self respect and by the time we saw each other again we were healed. Now we are good friends who respect each other, amuse each other and really like one another. I like Ray much more now than I ever loved him before. We are ourselves in each other's company and it has taught me much. I like me and thus he likes me. I like him because he likes himself. We are no longer playing roles and causing each other pain.
Not every man holds Ray's values. Many are only too happy to exploit the yearnings of old women. It never ends well for the women. We have been raised on "romantic love" ideology, taught to nurture others from an early age, and groomed to be attractive and seductive. We learn from an early age to seduce, attract and appeal. Little training time is devoted to self-realization. Maturity is seen as synonymous with loss of sexuality in this culture. So, is it any wonder that we have no idea who we are, or what our role is once we grow old? If women are very lucky, they will have a life of the mind, of creative achievement, or of professional success. They will have positive roles in their families or in their social groups. Some are lucky enough to just slip into aging without the usual insecurities. The new sexy for an old woman is self realization and independence. Her audience should be her friends, peers and community and her best lover must be herself.
Some may say I've given up the search for Mr. Right but I say I've just moved on. I'm content to be Ms Right for myself these days and the best I can be for my friends.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Short Sharp Science: Bat camp: orphaned critters nursed back to health
Short Sharp Science: Bat camp: orphaned critters nursed back to health
This is a very sad story but possibly the cutest picture ever.
This is a very sad story but possibly the cutest picture ever.
Friday, January 14, 2011
As January speeds by, the days grow longer!
It's already the middle of January. What have I done so far in the New Year? It seems like yesterday that I returned with Willy from London after a splendid Christmas and New Year holiday. Much food was consumed, friends were visited and a new futon was purchased for the Living Room. Since it was my bed at night, I decided by mid visit that I would not survive the very flat and lumpy old mattress. It had served Maya well for many years, but its time was up. The new one was delivered on the same day it was bought and I slept well at last. It's also a very good quality mattress, upholstered in a beautiful fabric that was made for Maya and Glenn's room.
I spent my Christmas Day with Glenn's family and it was very pleasant. Last year we didn't know each other, and were all a bit more formal. This year we were so relaxed, we all fell asleep together in their living room after dinner. Maya came into the room to find Christine, Geoff (Glenn's ) parents, his grandmother, sister Gillian and me all nodding away on couches and chairs. Even the dog was asleep. Glenn fell asleep in the sun room, leaving Maya the only one awake. Now that's relaxed! To some perhaps, too relaxed but what do they know. We all awakened refreshed and resumed our conversations. It was a scene from the Dylan Thomas classic, "A Child's Christmas in Wales".
Meanwhile, Willy was having a jolly holiday with his cousins, Maya and Glenn's three cats. They spent ten days following each other, wrestling, running up and down stairs, looking out of windows, eating together and occasionally sleeping. Christmas wrapping paper, empty boxes, ribbons and cat toys were a source of great entertainment for all. Once we came home Willy slept for three days straight as did his cousins back in London.
It is a jolly little family. Maya and Glenn are well matched in that they bring out so much good in each other. They also reflect each others negative moods which could be a problem. Both have a depressive aspect to their personalities which must be acknowledged and dealt with. The danger is that one or the other may not detach enough to take the high road. I'm a worrier and need to detach myself. They have to sort out their own lives and take the positive steps needed to grow together in a healthy and productive manner. They are both intelligent, creative and sensitive people who love each other. With respect and courage and good will, they will do well.
I came back to resume my physio-therapy and vertigo therapy. I registered for another term of ceramics and a workshop in digital photography. I started sorting out my stuff for income tax preparation, paid some bills and am getting my house in order for 2011. We have 2 more months of winter ahead of us but I take comfort from the days lengthening. Yes the sun is setting later and it won't be long until the spring is apparent. My positive outlook is coming back.
"Life is a cabaret, old chum..." at least sometimes.
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