Why Stephen Harper Will Continue to Attack the Arts
I'm sorry folks. I don't usually become political in Paws Awhile, but this is very important to me, to my country and to the future of political debate in Canada. The idea that the Conservatives are planning a deliberate attack on Arts and Culture to stimulate a visceral public reaction, thereby dumbing down real discussion, never occurred to me before. I'm simply not Machiavellian enough.
The idea that Sun Media could be attempting a Fox News North coup for communications in this country, is a terrifying prospect. Tea Party politics is not the Canadian way, but Harper's conservatives seem to be orchestrating a move in that direction. By positioning support for the Arts as encouraging terrorism because vital funding will be directed away from national security a deliberate lie is being perpetrated. It's like saying growing spinach will undermine nuclear energy, hence all our resources should go to nuclear energy for continued security. We can't live without the nutrients in spinach, nor can our country thrive without the nutrients our Arts and culture provide. But throwing that concept out there stirs up a lot of emotional energy that distracts people from the key issues of education, health, welfare, economic growth, environmental protections and democratic responsibility. Concerns not high on the Harper agenda.
Right wing extremism has always tried to shut down the Arts throughout history, not because artists, writers, filmmakers, musicians et al are threatening, but because their ideas, questioning, dialogue, and open communications are. The attached article prepares us to be vigilant in defence of a vibrant democracy for Canada. Lets give Harper's agenda, Sun Media and Tea Party values a wide berth and a resounding defeat at the polls and on the airwaves.